Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Finding the error

So here's the latest shawl I knit. I am going to try out the function you just showed me to illustrate the "error" I discovered this weekend.

The shawl is from http://www.elann.com/, free patterns. It's called the "Lacewing" pattern. The yarn is Hand Maiden, purchased on my June trip to St. John's Newfoundland. It's silk and seacell.(sp?). The shawl knits up remarkably fast, I've made this pattern twice and am onto my third one.

I posted the one on the right first, and asked for left orientation, but when I posted the second one, the one with the red rectangle, it kept going to the left and moving the other one to the right. At this moment I don't care, but think I know how to fix it for next time.

See the mistake. There is supposed to be these "coin lace" things every few rows, but for some reason, I missed it this time. Alas, I can live with it.


  1. Your shawl is lovely. I bet that yarns was nice to work with. How was it? So interested Seacell.
    Your editing is amazing! Yay!
    As for the orientation, the default is for the image to be large and centred.

  2. So did you switch them around? It looks much better, will try another one later maybe not even today. Have a busy day, flying over to Victoria for an all day meeting.

  3. Yeah, I poked around a bit to see how what you were working with and to learn how to make it easier for you.
    I've set up when you post an entry for the font to be the same each time, for it to be justified to the left, for images to be centred and large. But when you bring in a photo it doesn't go where you last put your cursor (drat!) it immediately comes up on the top of the screen. You can move it. Click on the photo, drag it where you want your cursor. That's what I remember at this point.

    Have a great day in Victoria! Will be posting something for you to read in the next few days.

    Hope our packages come in the mail soon!


  4. Hey thanks for doing all that. With the way you fixed it up, it tells the story so much better. And that's what I want to be able to do, talk back and forth,using photos to illustrate our questios, problems and so forth.
