Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two more swatches - 10 & 11

These were dead easy. No muss, no fuss, no extra research and re-dos. Gotta love it. Swatch 12 is nearly the same as 11 except for the decreases are switched.
After swatch 11, I ran out of yarn. Pretty good for one 100g ball. Off to Michael's to buy more, which is on sale for $4!
btw - these swatches are pinned for the photo shoot, that's not the way I block. . .


  1. I just picked up the parcel you sent! Thank you. Now, waiting patiently for Geoffrey to return to open it...

    Your swatches are beautiful!!!!

    Getting back is not easy. Am getting inspiration from your photos, now I just gotta do it.

  2. I became inspired after I cleaned my office - aka Jasper's room. In preparation for Christmas it became a bedroom again and all my work/art stuff moved into the corners. So one day I moved it back to its status of office/studio and voila, was inspired to start playing again. I'm halfway through #12, keep having to rip out rows and re-knit. I guess I'm not paying attention.
    Happy New Year to you and Geoff.
