Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Onto No. 13

Minor technical difficulty: misplaced battery charger

Therefore: no evidence of accomplished work

However, as I completed No. 12 this morning I realized, you just blew me away the last week of December! Flabbergasted me! Left me speechless! Writless!

So today, I commend your efforts:Now, I've been reading and jotting down my answers to the multiple questions asked, and reading on and on and actually enjoying the reading. Not enjoying the writing, but hey it has to be done and I will finish this task before the Spring! But something confuses me about the instructions for the Swatches, I'm hoping you can clear this up for me.

Swatch 15 -Your Choice of Cable on page 8, and then there is again Swatch 15 Pattern, on page 9. What do you make of it? Never mind. I get it. I knew! I knew that as I write out my question I would figure this one out. Of course, they want you to create your own Cable Pattern and then write it out. Hmnphff!

Never me mind. Onto No. 13.

1 comment:

  1. Aw shucks, thanks for the flowers. In this day of rain and slush, they are most appreciated.
    I started the final swatch #16, was one inch into the ribbing and then noticed that it was to be 1 x 1 ribbing not 2 x 2. @#$%@ I hate it when I don't pay attention to details. So I ripped it out. Then I started again was just doing the first row after the cast on and I had 21 stitches on the needle. Is the Cosmos telling me something? Who cares! I cast on again, did two rows of 1 x 1 and then put it down and read for the rest of the evening.
    Today I will finish it and then tackle all the "tails" with earnest. The thing I am most insecure about. . .
