Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finishing up!

Level one is an amazing amount of work. Even doing the tags is a big job. I should have done them as I went along. Now I am digging around trying to find answers to questions I dealt with long long ago, like what kind of cast on? What books did I reference? Arrrgh!

The blocking, while time consuming is actually soothing.

The questions aren't easy, and then, on top of it all, there is a report!!! This is a lot of thinking and a lot of work. I have until Nov 10th to get it in the mail and I am determined this time to do it.

Best of luck, maybe a phone call this weekend would help.

Two Weeks to Go

I'm getting back into this:
  • questions to answer
  • a hat to complete
  • tags to write up
  • blocking
Argh. It's all about time management.

Now, what happened between January and October?