Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to create a hyperlink and what the hell is a hyperlink anyway?

K, I'm sick of seeing your aych-tee-tee-pee, collon, backslash, backslash, yada-yada mubble jumble in your posts. So, here is an explanation of what a hyperlink is and then later how to create a link.

A hyperlink is a graphic or a piece of text in an Internet document that can connect readers to another webpage, or another portion of a document. Web users will usually find at least one hyperlink on every webpage. The most simple form of these is called embedded text or an embedded link.

In this instance, a hyperlink will show up as a single word or group of words that will usually be marked as underlined, and are frequently blue in color. Clicking on the hyperlink may take one to another part of the page, or it may open another Internet page.
nb: These two paragraphs are not my words, so I've linked the words to the original site where I took them from. At the site you will be able to read more about hyperlinking. Simply.
See where you are typing, in Blogger? A box, with two tabs at the top right of the box. One says, "Edit Html", the other "Compose". I suggest to keep your writing in "Compose" because it's easier, for now.

Below "Compose" is "Preview". Click on "Preview" and Blogger will show you how your typing will appear. Press "Hide Preview" when you want to return to the writing.

Across from "Preview", on the left, are a bunch of icons. The fifth icon to the right of the icon list is the Hyperlink icon. A green Earth with a paperclip image superimposed above it. That icon is really what I want to talk to you about.

Select the word you want to link, by dragging your cursor over the word, or double click on that word. A triple click will help you to quickly select the entire paragraph. Once you've highlighted the word(s) you want to link then go to the "hyperlink" icon and click on that.

Once selected, a box will open which will ask for you to drop all that gobbledygook that clutters your posts.

Double check your post by selecting "Preview" and click on the links you've set up for your readers.

Good luck. I hope to read your posts with less http://jumbo.