Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two more swatches - 10 & 11

These were dead easy. No muss, no fuss, no extra research and re-dos. Gotta love it. Swatch 12 is nearly the same as 11 except for the decreases are switched.
After swatch 11, I ran out of yarn. Pretty good for one 100g ball. Off to Michael's to buy more, which is on sale for $4!
btw - these swatches are pinned for the photo shoot, that's not the way I block. . .

Monday, December 29, 2008

Swatch #8 and KSP

Here is swatch #8, the one that gave me the most grief. In this one we have to do SKP (slip, knit, pass the slip stitch over) decreases on the right selvedge, and KSP decreases on the left. KSP??? wtf? Never hoid of it. So I got out the trusty binder of articles printed off TKGA website and found Arenda Holladay's aritcle on decreases from Spring 2005. On page 24, the second LAST paragraph of the three page article, she describes the KSP decrease. What a lot of work, but it does give a nice effect.

My next goal is to take care of all the loose ends and block this group. I can't wait to get onto swatch #10, it's the one with the pretty yarn overs.

How are you making out with yours? I know Christmas and such takes time away from this, but I am back at work sooner than later so wanted to get over the hump and get all the swatches done before that. Later. . .

Swatches 6, 7, 8, and 9 done!

Here are the swatches that I completed yesterday and this morning. Swatch #6 is in the bottom right, to the left of that is #7, above that is #8 and top right is #9. This completes all the increase and decrease swatches. The tricky one was #8, I will write about that one in a separate post.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Swatch #6 n'est pas ici. . . '

Because last night I spend the evening sipping wine, knitting a hat for J, and later watching a Woody Allen movie. I think this is what holidays feel like, no expectations, no deadlines, just rest and relaxation. Maybe I'll get to it tonight. . . don't count on it.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time to do Swatch #6

Okay, enough delay. I have taken a long break getting ready for Ursula's sale and then getting the Christmas packages ready and shipped back east. I am still working on some Christmas items for my family, but can squeeze the into various parts of today.

So I vow to have Swatch #6 done by the end of today. Can't prove it cause my camera is at Ursula's house and I won't be getting it until she comes out here next week. But will describe in detail my successes with it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Super Duper Seed Stitch Swatch!

I am proud of this piece. The holes are smaller, fewer, and I'm satisfied. Well as I look at the right edge, I might want to re knit this piece. But I'll stand to your advice and wait to block it first. So, in the meantime, I love it. And that's about that for now. Onto four.
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Monday, December 8, 2008

No Blocking yet

I haven't yet blocked any of my swatches. This is due to the fact that I am suddenly horribly insecure about tucking in those pesky yarn tails, and I have to do that before I block. So I'm stuck until I a) muster the courage and Just Do It, b) get so fed up with the potato chip look of some of them and Just Do It or c) none of the above and JUST DO IT.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


So far, we are doing pretty good. Pretty good considering it's middle December and there are Christmas presents to be made... Nonethless, I'm enjoying the process of investigating the knitting and relearning the correct methods.

In the Spring, I'm registering for an advanced pattern making class for knitting. I'm really looking forward to it. Which means, I'm also going to give myself until them to complete Level 1. Have you considered when you'd like to have it done? Would there be any advanced courses out where you are? Another thing, Sally Melville has moved into my 'hood! The Knit, The Purl, The Colour: Sally Melville, TKGA wonder-gal.

And with your first three swatches knit, are you happy with the blocking results? Are you ready to send them off? Or, are you going to send a bunch at a time?

Despite not being able to knit this week, I will give the blocking a go-go.

Oh, while surfing on the 'net I found this site: A Level 1 Knit-a-Long, they are doing what we are doing. Check out the images, they'll make you happy.

#4 & #5, but not #6 . . . yet

Here are swatches 4 and 5, I've temporarily tagged them out of fear that I won't be able to tell them apart in a few weeks. Don't tell the judges that.
I've found a good site for the lifted increases, much better than the video I posted, which is good, but goes so fast. This one has clear pictures. Whew. I've also decided to do all my practicing with chunky yarn and size 6mm needles. I can see what I am doing a whole lot better and it doesn't stress the good yarn for the swatches. Have a good day. http://www.knotions.com/techniques/increases/how_to_knit_lifted_increases.aspx

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lifted Increases --wtf??

I am onto Swatch #6, yes, Swatch #6. I was duly inspired yesterday and managed to do both #4 and #5 sitting in the kitchen, sipping wine while David made dinner. So civilized. Anyway, with that new found inspiration, I thought I could easily knock off #6, cause after all, it's just another increase right? Well, not so, at least for me. I certainly know how to do a lifted increase, but don't make me try to figure it it's a left or a right leaning one. After many attempts, and destroyed yarn, I hit the books. Not much direction there. But I did find this great video clip, it goes quickly but it's just the trick. I will try it in the morning and then show you my "result".


Friday, December 5, 2008

Swatch #3 -- Diana's

Here is swatch #3, took much longer to knit than I thought it would. Ended up taking out a few rows for every several I did. Three steps forward, one step back kind of progress. In laying it out for the "photo shoot" I noticed that the cast off edge is much less elastic than the cast on edge. Don't have much extra yarnn to work with, so will try a looser cast off, and if I run out of yarn, will just have to DO THE DAMNED THING OVER AGAIN. When will I learn?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Swatch #3: Holy Seed Stitch Batman

Maybe blocking will help this one out, too. I was doing so well at about 3cm and then ka-put-skie.

And, check out that wonky edge! Which one? Both of them.

Now, I have to go get more yarn.

Diana's Swatch #2

Here is my second swatch. Not yet blocked, but knit to the level that mostly satisfies me. The stocking stitch is smooth on both sides with no ditches in between the rows on the purl side. Just need to block and tie up loose ends. Onto Swatch #3!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Swatch #2

See those obtrusive increases? Argh! I made them as per suggestion in on of those "On Your Way To The Masters" articlea. I'm waiting for another knitting book at the library, The Harmony Guides Knitting Techniques: All you need to know about hand knitting. Apparently this book has every imaginable increase, decrease, cast on, etc known to the knitterly kind.
So, #2 is done but not yet to my 100% satisfaction. But I will add it to #1 and block them all at the same time when #3 is complete.

Swatch #1

This is a better photo. Swatch #1, before blocking, with measuring thingie and black background.
My intent is to knit the first three swatches, weave in the loose ends, and block 'em. Whichever aren't to my satisfaction I will knit again.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

View from my Studio

Georgia Rose took this photo the other day. I was getting all the yarns that I wanted to use in a pair of felted slippers lined up, then left the room. She came in and with her terrific eye for a good photo, took the shot.

So here's how I distract myself from my knitting swatches. Will begin (for the third time) Swatch #2 tonight.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Laura's Swatch #1, Unblocked

Here is Swatch #1 with a black background and with very low lighting. I'll see if I can take a better image in the morning. Testing. Testing..

Here is Swatch #1. And I am satisfied with it. At this point anyways. If after it is blocked and I find other things I haven't considered, I will knit this again.