Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Swatch #2

See those obtrusive increases? Argh! I made them as per suggestion in on of those "On Your Way To The Masters" articlea. I'm waiting for another knitting book at the library, The Harmony Guides Knitting Techniques: All you need to know about hand knitting. Apparently this book has every imaginable increase, decrease, cast on, etc known to the knitterly kind.
So, #2 is done but not yet to my 100% satisfaction. But I will add it to #1 and block them all at the same time when #3 is complete.


  1. This is the swatch that will benefit the most from blocking, I haven't done mine yet, but will do it right now!! I ripped out the Mission Falls blocks and started making a pair of kidlet mittens, lovely yarn, it's like butter.

  2. It feels like the first three swatches are the ones that will give us the most grief. I hope I'm right because if the next 13 are anything like this for precision, I'm doomed. From this vantage point your increases don't look bad, just make sure they are done in the purl ditches. I've been using the lift one method, the "make one" method where you grab the yarn between the stitches, but the "lift one" grabbing the bump of the purl stitch right below the one you just purled. It makes a nearly invisible, slightly left leaning increase. Can't really notice the lean factor in the purl stitch.

  3. Always read your comments before hitting the "post" button. My fourth sentence should read, "I've been using the "lift one" method, NOT the "make one" method where you grab the yarn. . . .
    Right now I am working on Swatch #2, still a row or two from the increase row. Hate the way the ribbing looks so wonky, but am praying that it will all be fixed with a good wash and block.

  4. By the way, the Harmony Guide is not the best knitting book. Lately I've mainly been using Big Book of Knitting, and Reader's Digest Knitter's Handbook. Which books are you using as reference?
