Saturday, January 3, 2009

#15 - Your Choice of cable

Here's the cable pattern I chose for #15 up close. I love the fact that it looks like a braid, never did this one before. But as it has you doing cable stitches on every knit row, it's hard to keep it loose, but not so loose that the stitches look wonky. I will see what it looks like all washed and blocked and make a decision from there. If this one doesn't work, then the next one will be an easier cable pattern.
Hope all is well back east. We keep getting hit with blasts of snow and no melting yet. That's a first -- 2 1/2 weeks of snow -- and not a snow plow in sight. Still haven't received our mail.

1 comment:

  1. Finally I'm able to take the time to read and write.
    This cable is a more complicated one considering our perimeters, but it looks pretty good. I've read in a few books (I've a few on my desk --borrowed from the library) which mention at time of binding off, to k2tog at the cable pattern. Is this something you've done? I'm really glad that these swatches aren't too time consuming. I could imagine some could get engrossing. At least when re-doing a bind off it isn't so bad. Another trick I learned, and you're either doing it or you don't have to, but at the last stitch (along selvedge) of binding off I often have a loose yarn coming from underneath leaving this unkempt finish. The trick to avoid this, I've learned, is to pick up a stitch just below and knit those two together at the last bind off, forcing the yarn to be taught. I found that in Sally Melville's book on The Purl, but I've seen it elsewhere, too.
