Sunday, January 4, 2009

Alright, I've got to get my act together. Sickness is no excuse for not knitting!
You're pulling too far away from me. I'm going to knock your socks off this week. Woo!!


  1. I'm on hold for a day or two, knitting some warm socks for Jasper. He actually asked for them!! So my hands are tied with that activity. Sorry to hear that you've been sick, tuck into bed with a movie, may I recommend Casablanca or Gone with the Wind? and your knitting.

  2. Just got word from Joanie, that perhaps you should post those socks to her place when you're done. J's on his way to, or in Winnipeg.

    BTW: Kids in the Hall are a pretty good "tuck into bed" entertainment!

  3. I've held off on the socks altogether, seems he won't be needing sub-zero socks anymore. Alas.
