Friday, January 9, 2009

Swatch #16 c'est fini!

Here's it is. First the back and then the front of this two-coloured swatch. I only noticed when I was taking the picture, how wonky the rib stitches are, but at this stage of the game, it'd better come out nicely in the blocking, cause I'm done. Of all the swatches, this one is by far the ugliest one.
There are several loose ends to tie in and this is the beasty I am going to start with. I won't start the hat until I finish the loose ends.
How are things at your end? Find your battery charger yet? Funny that would happen to you too, I just found mine (after praying to St. Jude) Try it. It works.


  1. I found my charger! This morning I had the sun coming in and had a little photo shoot with all the samples that you're yet to see and for some reason, (be it Mr. Murphy perhaps?) I didn't have my memory card in the camera! ARGH!! I would just plug it in but I sent that adaptor to Ursula because she lost hers and I just use the stick thing. Argh! So, I gave up for the day and will continue the photo shoot tomorrow, with the memory stick within.
    As for your colour work, very nice!
    I'm working on #15 tonight. However, while experimenting and writing the pattern I realized I read the instructions for #14 wrong. So, I'll be knitting the pair this evening. Poor G with all those swatches and poor me with the hockey game in the background. I just might be upstairs.

  2. Oooh ----> Congratulations are in order!
