Thursday, November 13, 2008

My package arrived!

It's here. Sixteen pages of instructions and such to get us started. I have to admit, as I read it, while 1/2 inspired, I was 1/2 dismayed. Some of these swatches don't seem like fun. It seems like work, hard, focussed work. And the hat, why a hat? Why not something that I will wear and enjoy?

I thought, why I am I doing this? My thoughts ranged from, "this could be exciting" and "it will be great to be on my way to being a Master Knitter" to, "why do I care about this", and "these people are stupid". Of course that is the most juvenile part of me coming out. Part of it is true fear that I won't measure up. And then what?

Arrgh. I do want to do this, and I also want it to be fun. That's why I am eternally thankful that you are the other end of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, that gives me hope that my package will be in my mail box today!
    As I read the instructions, via email, I too felt the same things as you. Including, "Does this really matter?", to "Maybe these boring samples will knit up quickly".
    As for the hat thing, I like hats, I wear them all the time. You could always give it to someone or use it as a sample for you LYS.
    But I'm really happy we are doing this together, because we will be inspire and challenge eachother.

    Have fun knitting this weekend!

