Sunday, December 7, 2008

#4 & #5, but not #6 . . . yet

Here are swatches 4 and 5, I've temporarily tagged them out of fear that I won't be able to tell them apart in a few weeks. Don't tell the judges that.
I've found a good site for the lifted increases, much better than the video I posted, which is good, but goes so fast. This one has clear pictures. Whew. I've also decided to do all my practicing with chunky yarn and size 6mm needles. I can see what I am doing a whole lot better and it doesn't stress the good yarn for the swatches. Have a good day.


  1. Isn't one swatch an increase and the other a decrease swatch, i.e. one swatch shape is wide to narrow and the other is narrow to wide? Careful, I wouldn't want you to submit one of your swatches upside down.
    The increse video is a good resources, and that links is pretty well documented, too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. #4, #5, and #6 are all increase swatches that start with 15 stitches and end with 25, so they are easy to mix up, unless you can read your knitting, And I guess, that is something a Master Knitter has to know how to do.

    The other's #7, #8, and #9 (I think) are the decrease ones.
